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Environmental Hydraulics Laboratory LHE
hree courses are given and we have started working on an online course in the framework of Massive Open Online Courses
- "Fluid Mechanics" (Bachelor, 70 hours, 5 credits);
- "Hydrological risk management" (Master, 42 hours, 3 credits);
- "Dam breaks and floods" (Master, 28 hours, 2 credits).
My doctoral course "Similarity in fluid dynamics" (mechanics doctoral school, 28 h, 2 credits) is given every two years (Fall semester).
Course notes
I provide my students with complete course notes of my lectures, freely available from the LHE website:- C. Ancey : "Cours d'hydrodynamique"(in French), lectures on fluid mechanics and application to hydraulics (bachelor 4th semester, civil engineering section).
- C. Ancey : "Risques hydrologiques et aménagements" (in French), lectures on statistical hydrology and risk management (master 3th or 5th semester, environmental engineering section).
- C. Ancey : Ondes de crues et ruptures de barrage" (in French), introduction to hyperbolic partial differential equations (theory, numerical simulations) and application to time-dependent flow problems such as dam-break waves and floods (master 5th semester, civil engineering section).
- C. Ancey : "Introduction to Fluid Rheology" (in English), lectures on advanced fluid mechanics
LHE News
Field of expertise of LHE
- Geophysical fluid mechanics
- Snow avalanches
- Torrential hydraulics
- Risk management (in mountain areas)
- Rheology of suspensions
- Particulate flows
Laboratoire d'Hydraulique Environnementale (LHE)
Station 18
CH-1015 Lausanne
show on campus map
Tél: +41 (0) 21 693 23 75
Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 67 67
Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 67 67